Nokomis is located on the north side of Red Feather Lakes, at the end of Nokomis Rd. While it's one of our smaller lakes, it's a very good fishery with all varieties of trout. Not only is Nokomis a favorite destination for our members to fish, but it's frequented by moose, eagles and other wildlife.

Palomino trout Fishing - Nokomis is a very good fishery. It's eco-system supports a variety of trout - rainbows, cutbows, palominos (see photo on the right), brooks, browns, and tigers. It's one of our two catch and release lakes. It has access along all shorelines except the west end (inlet). It's one of our boating lakes, with a put-in point on the north side. The west end and north side are shallower and with the shelter of aspen and willows are ideal areas for flies to mature in the water, and therefore a favorite place for the fish to forage.

History - Like the other lakes in Red Feather, Nokomis was originally a classic irrigation reservoir. It's location in the Columbine Creek drainage made it easy to fill in the spring and drain in the fall. It was decreed in 1919 and in 1948 the main dam was replaced and then subsequently raised in 1962 to meet newer dam safety standards. In the mid-70's the spillway was changed from the north dam to the main dam. As for the fishery, we're managing an infestation of perch biologically with brown and tiger trout. Even though Nokomis is at the end of the often rough Nokomis Dr, it's worth the effort driving there, especially if you like catch and release fishing from a boat or float tube!

Nokomis depth contour